08 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
The Child Learner as Epistemologist
IN MOST contemporary educational situations where children come into contact with computers the computer is used to put children through their paces, to provide exercises of an appropriate level of difficulty, to provide feedback, and to dispense information. The computer programming the child. In the LOGO environment the relationship is reversed: The child, even at preschool ages, is in control: The child programs the computer. And in teaching the computer how to think, children embark on an...Folksonomies: computer science education
Folksonomies: computer science education
Children should program computers, not computers programming children.
08 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
The educator must be an anthropologist
The educator must be an anthropologist. The educator as anthropologist must work to understand which cultural materials are relevant to intellectual development. Then, he or she needs to understand which trends are taking place in the culture. Meaningful intervention must take the form of working with these trends. In my role of educator as anthropologist I see new needs being generated by the penetration of the computer into personal lives. People who have computers at home or who use them a...Folksonomies: computer science education
Folksonomies: computer science education
By instilling a love of computers in the culture, parents will instruct their children.
08 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
The Economics of a Computer for Every Child in School
What these people are saying needs to be faced squarely. They are wrong. Let's consider the cohort of children who will enter kindergarten in the year 1987, the "Class of 2000," and let's do some arithmetic. The direct public cost of schooling a child for thirteen years, from kindergarten through twelfth grade is over $20,000 today (and for the class of 2000, it may be closer to $30,000). A conservatively high estimate of the cost of supplying each of these children with a personal computer w...Folksonomies: computer science education
Folksonomies: computer science education
Providing a computer for every school child is not as costly as it seems, and the costs would be recuperated in improved learning, shortened schooling. These costs are 30 years old, and computers are much cheaper now.